April 2020 – Le travail suit son coursÀ la suite du climat désastreux que nous subissons depuis le début du nouvel an, nous attendons impatiemment le retour des mois plus calmes, plus secs et plus chauds à venir. Toutefois, nous sentons bien quelques signes d'agitation. La décennie n'a pas commencé sous les meilleurs auspices avec un Brexit définitivement entériné au 31 janvier. Il nous reste au moins la relative stabilité de la période de transition jusqu'à fin 2020. Nous allons nous préparer à toutes les éventualités et verrons quel pas nous devrons franchir à la fin de l'année. L'une des préoccupations plus immédiates se propageant à travers le monde concerne le virus COVID-19. L'équipe d'IPI prend toutes les précautions possibles et conseillées pour éviter de contracter la maladie, y compris la limitation de tous les déplacements professionnels aux cas de nécessité absolue. Comme tout le monde, nous surveillons la situation avec attention et vous tiendrons informés au besoin. Entre-temps, le travail suit son cours. Dans cette édition de notre lettre d'information, nous retracerons l'histoire du développement des systèmes en boucle fermée Micro Matic, aborderons le principe de l'économie circulaire et ferons le point sur IPI Europe GmbH. Nous espérons que vous aurez plaisir à la lire.En savoir plus Nos précédentes lettres d’information December 2019 – joyeux Noël et une bonne et heureuse année 2020La fin d'année approche à grands pas et voici venue l'heure de faire le bilan, tout en nuances, de 2019. En ces temps de fête, laissons de côté le Brexit, car oui, que vous l'attendiez avec impatience ou le tolériez tout juste, Noël est déjà là. Certains parmi vous ont déjà la tête aux préparatifs, quand d'autres attendent patiemment le retour au calme, mais quoi qu'il en soit, Noël est l'occasion idéale pour se réunir et passer du temps avec ses proches. Comme tous les ans, toute l'équipe d'IPI vous souhaite, à vous et vos familles, un très joyeux Noël et une bonne et heureuse année 2020. Nous sommes ravis de vous avoir comptés parmi nos clients cette année et espérons échanger avec vous à nouveau en 2020. En plus de faire le point sur le système de mélange en circuit fermé PRO-BLEND®, cette édition nous entraîne dans la magie de Noël avec des anecdotes piquantes sur cette fête.En savoir plus Août 2019 – Le sable titiller vos doigts de piedAprès les défis de l’année écoulée, place aux vacances d’été, qui approchent à grands pas. Ne sentez-vous pas déjà le soleil réchauffer votre peau et le sable titiller vos doigts de pied ? Les incertitudes qui ont marqué le printemps n’ont pas empêché le bon déroulement des activités. Nous souhaitons saisir cette occasion pour vous remercier vous, clients, de votre fidélité et votre soutien sans faille. Nous espérons que vous passez un été agréable et reposant. Dans cette édition, vous découvrirez une nouvelle vidéo produite par nos soins, un article sur Chemspec Europe, l’initiative d’un supermarché pour limiter la production de déchets plastique et la mise à jour de notre site Web. Bel été à vous !En savoir plus April 2019 – Our work continuesWe find ourselves in challenging times, dear customer, with no relief from the storm clouds in sight. The confusion and uncertainty of Brexit continues and yet, despite it all, so must trade. We are focussed on our goal to provide our customers with a dependable and reliable partner, especially during this turbulent period. Despite the turmoil we remain energised, committed and enthusiastic in our drive to promote the use of closed loop systems for the safe handling of hazardous chemicals. Our work continues. In this issue you will find information on our plans to create a trading entity in the EU, about our Ionexchanger cartridges as well as exhibitions and customer visits.En savoir plus December 2018 – Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New YearIt’s difficult to believe time has gone so fast, yet here we are, approaching the end of another year. The past 12 months have had their successes and challenges and we have been working hard to spread the message of closed transfer and handling liquids safely. So much so, we are looking forward to enjoying a break over the festive season. The IPI office will be closed from 12 noon on Friday, 21stDecember and will re-open on Wednesday, 2ndJanuary, 2019. Emails and voicemails will be monitored during this period so, if you do contact us, we’ll respond as soon as possible. We thank you for your business in 2018 and would like to wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. We look forward to working with you in 2019. This edition will include our Brexit strategy and a profile of our Warehouse Operative, Mike Sanders.En savoir plus August 2018 – Recycling at its best!Thank goodness all those GDPR emails have stopped arriving in our inboxes! It has been quite challenging wading through pages of regulations and trying to understand how they apply to our company. It seems everyone has interpreted the rules slightly differently, making it extremely difficult to find a definitive answer. After lots of research and advice we have come to the conclusion that the basic GDPR principal of respecting people’s wishes and using their contact details honourably and respectfully is nothing new to us, and is something our company has always strived to do. We will therefore continue, unless you ask us to stop, sending you relevant information we feel will benefit your company. If you would like to read our updated privacy statement, please do so here. So, what can you expect from this edition of our newsletter? Here in the UK plastic waste and its impact on the environment is a hot topic. Following that theme we describe the environmental benefits of the returnable packaging system. Recycling at its best! You will also see a video showcasing the use of closed loop transfer for handling Methyl Iodide, a highly toxic substance. It is inspiring to see how easily both workers and the environment can be protected from even the most dangerous of liquids. We hope you find these articles interesting and would love to hear your comments and suggestions about our products. Please contact us here.En savoir plus April 2018 – welcoming Spring with open armsWinter is clinging on with some final and brutal flurries of snow and freezing temperatures and yet the sun, when it has the chance to shine, is already much warmer and brings with it the promise of growth, warmth and new life to banish the harshness of winter. Here at IPI we are looking forward to welcoming Spring with open arms. In this issue we showcase the HVV System from Micro Matic and show you a video we filmed at OQEMA (formerly Lansdowne Chemicals), which perfectly showcases the cleanliness, safety and ease of use of the Micro Matic closed loop systems. You will also get to know one of our long term team members, Isabelle Lockwood. We hope you enjoy our newsletter and are, as ever, grateful to receive your comments and feedback.En savoir plus December 2017 – Welcome! December is approachingWhere does the time go? Surely we can’t already be approaching December! It really is amazing how quickly time seems to go by and deadlines we thought were far away are all of a sudden upon us. Has your company done all the necessaries to comply with REACH regulations? The final registration date for low volume chemicals is the 31st May 2018.En savoir plus August 2017 – Welcome! Summer is upon usWelcome to another IPI newsletter. We hope you are finding the articles informative and enjoyable. If you have questions about any of the content, or would like to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’d be delighted to discuss any queries with you.En savoir plus April 2017 – Welcome! Spring has arrivedWelcome! Spring has arrived and with it come longer, hopefully sunnier and warmer days to drive away the chill of winter, which seems to have been particularly bitter for some this year. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee the weather but at least there are Easter treats to look forward to. Knowledgeable and dedicated professionals though we are, there isn’t much we won’t do for chocolate.En savoir plus December 2016 – Welcome to our second newsletterWe have had a great response to our first edition and want to thank all of you who have taken the time to write or talk to us about it. We really appreciate your opinion on us and what we do, so please get in touch if you have comments on any aspect of our products or service. sales@ipi-global.comEn savoir plus October 2016 – Closed Transfer Systems for a safer, greener world.Welcome to the IPI newsletter! In the coming issues we will be keeping you abreast of what’s going on at IPI - who we are, what we do, and how we can help you. We believe in making the world a safer place to be, and our dry break and closed transfer technology makes an important contribution to that.En savoir plus