The Dutch, independent research organisation TNO has included a page on their ‘Roadmap on Carcinogens’ website, highlighting closed loop chemical handling in general, and IPI Global in particular. One of the main aims of the Roadmap on carcinogens is to share good practices between companies and organisations. The organisations committed to this project are: Austria: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy Belgium: Federal public service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue Finland: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health France: Ministère du travail, de l’emploi et de l’insertion Germany: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Netherlands: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Portugal: Autoridade para as condições do trabalho Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of labour, family social affairs and equal opportunities Spain: Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy BusinessEurope (European employers) European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC (European workers) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA European Chemicals Agency – ECHA European Commission We are proud to be associated with such an important project and hope this will drastically increase the awareness and use of closed loop chemical handling systems. To visit the Roadmap on Carcinogens website please click this link